
The law firm


Welcome to the law firm Gräf & Centorbi and the tax consulting firm GC-Treurat

Your reli­able part­ner for your com­pany

Par­tic­u­larly in legal and tax mat­ters, entre­pre­neurs need a strong part­ner at their side. The search for the right lawyer or tax con­sul­tant is there­fore often tedious – after all, suc­cess­ful coop­er­a­tion requires not only com­pe­tence, but above all trust.

With our law firm Gräf & Cen­torbi and the tax con­sult­ing firm GC-​​Traurat, you have found a part­ner who can offer you both: As experts in the spe­cial­ist areas of tax and legal advice, we guar­an­tee you an all-​​round ser­vice for all your company’s tax, legal and eco­nomic issues and ques­tions.

Our objec­tive is to advise you as best as pos­si­ble and com­pre­hen­sively. With a high tech­ni­cal com­pe­tence, we offer you solu­tions for your issues in cor­po­rate law, debt col­lec­tion, fam­ily law, law of inher­i­tance, labor law, con­tract law, ten­ancy law, com­pe­ti­tion law and pro­tec­tion of indus­trial prop­erty, inter­net law, traf­fic law, data pro­tec­tion and pri­vacy law, intel­lec­tual prop­erty and file shar­ing. Fur­ther­more we offer com­pre­hen­sive con­sult­ing to UK entre­pre­neurs seek­ing to estab­lish a busi­ness on the ger­man mar­ket.

We offer you spe­cial flex­i­bil­ity and trans­parency as well as fur­ther ser­vices, as for exam­ple 24/​7 online access to your per­sonal files. You can reach our lawyers or tax advi­sors eas­ily by tele­phone, via the con­tact form or online via video chat on Skype.

Contact us!

Cor­po­rate law

Cor­po­rate law

Our lawyer for cor­po­rate law pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive advice to you with an indi­vid­ual con­cept for your com­pany.

Law of com­pe­ti­tion

Law of com­pe­ti­tion

Avoid inad­ver­tent Law Vio­la­tions: There are no expen­sive mis­takes with our lawyer.

Busi­ness start-​​up

Busi­ness start-​​up

All-​​round ser­vice from the first minute: Trust us in found­ing your com­pany.

Inher­i­tance law

Inher­i­tance law

Our lawyer for inher­i­tance takes care of all ques­tions of your estate.

Labor law

Labor law

Clearly reg­u­lated rights and oblig­a­tions: You can rely on com­pre­hen­sive advice.

Debt col­lec­tion

Debt col­lec­tion

We help you in all cases of debt col­lec­tion.

Con­tract law

Con­tract law

Our lawyer for con­tract law sup­ports you in the cre­ation and super­vi­sion of con­tracts.

Pro­tec­tion of indus­trial prop­erty rights

Pro­tec­tion of indus­trial prop­erty rights

Our Intel­lec­tual Prop­erty Attor­ney will assist you in the fight against piracy and copy­right infringe­ment.

Ten­ancy and real estate law

Ten­ancy and real estate law

You will be com­pe­tently advised on all mat­ters relat­ing to ten­an­cies and real estate.

Traf­fic law

Traf­fic law

Are you stuck in the mid­dle of a legal bat­tle con­cern­ing a traf­fic mat­ter? Our traf­fic law attor­ney is on your side.

Inter­net law

Inter­net law

We are a law firm for online busi­nesses and star­tups, for Inter­net mar­keters, entre­pre­neurs, devel­op­ers, and design­ers

Intel­lec­tual prop­erty and file shar­ing

Intel­lec­tual prop­erty and file shar­ing

Our lawyers are pro­fes­sion­als trained in the leg­is­la­tion that pro­tect indi­vid­u­als’ cre­ations from intel­lec­tual theft.

Fam­ily law

Fam­ily law

With our legal adviser for fam­ily law a fair pro­ce­dure and a quick divorce is guar­an­teed.

Data pro­tec­tion and pri­vacy law

Data pro­tec­tion and pri­vacy law

We are your part­ner in Ger­man data pro­tec­tion and pri­vacy law

Your tax accoun­tant

Tax con­sult­ing is a mat­ter of trust: With us, you will find an expe­ri­enced and reli­able tax con­sul­tant who offers you com­pre­hen­sive ser­vices for your finan­cial suc­cess. We will gladly take care of your finan­cial account­ing as well as pay­roll account­ing and cost and per­for­mance account­ing. We will pro­vide you with reli­able advice on set­ting up a new busi­ness. Our team has expe­ri­ence with com­pa­nies of all indus­tries and legal forms. Free­lancers and pri­vate indi­vid­u­als can also ben­e­fit from our com­pe­tent experts at any time.

Your lawyer from Mainz

A good lawyer is indis­pens­able for suc­cess­ful com­pa­nies – and not just in the event of a legal dis­pute. As your law firm, we are always at your side. We are experts in numer­ous spe­cial­ist areas of legal advice. From cor­po­rate law and employ­ment law to inher­i­tance law and media law, you will find the right lawyer for your needs in our office. We offer out-​​of-​​court con­sul­ta­tions on legal issues, but we are also happy to rep­re­sent you in court.